In Havana since 2022. This is a collective creation project composed of young artists Marlon Riverón Escobar (visual artist), Luis Antonio González (DJ and visual artist) and Katia Ricardo Oliva (actress and producer).
The project focuses on the creation of interactive devices to discuss issues such as the functionality and effectiveness of art and its relationship with life. All of this is based on a renovating vision of entertainment and the creation of artistic pieces that function as events. Ups! mixes the effectiveness of other fields such as music, humor, design, advertising, marketing, sports and theater.
Experiences such as “Balneario”, “Ping Pong con obstáculos”, “Ping Pong comentado”, “We like to make money” and “Fiesta del Agua” have allowed the initiative to become formalized as a company specialized in the design, production and management of cultural and creative events. This, among other objectives, pursues the visibility of the work of emerging artists, the formation of citizen competencies through cultural platforms that can have an impact on social welfare and progress, and the rescuing of disused sites for the development of inclusive and sustainable cultural initiatives.
The YAF supports the Ups! venture through the acquisition of the technical material required for its implementation. It also provides methodological support and advice from CIERIC specialists.