Yeinier Núñez (Wajiro)
Graduated from the University of the Arts (ISA) in Cuba. He is a professor of Sculpture in the Faculty of Restoration at ISA and since 2019 he has been a production assistant in the workshop of sculptor José Villa Soberón.
Graduated from the University of the Arts (ISA) in Cuba. He is a professor of Sculpture in the Faculty of Restoration at ISA and since 2019 he has been a production assistant in the workshop of sculptor José Villa Soberón.
Elio Jesús Fonseca (Camagüey, 1994) is a young visual artist, graduated from the University of the Arts (ISA) of Cuba in 2019.
The Espirales project was founded in 2023 by young pianist Rodrigo García and also includes violinist Tania Haase, double bassist Olivia Rodríguez, and percussionists Alejandro Aguiar and Jesús Estrada.
David Corrales (Havana, 2004) is a young student of Arts Education, whose work has been developed in the musical field.
Ernesto Oliva (Guantánamo, 1988) pianist and composer, graduated in 2015 from the University of the Arts (ISA) in the specialty of Composition.
Samdor Ramírez (Cienfuegos, 2000) graduated from the University of the Arts (ISA) in the specialty of flute in 2024.
Abel Lescay (Mayabeque, 1999), is a piano graduate, professor of Piano and Theory, and piano accompanist at the National School of Art (ENA) in 2017.
Lianne Vega Serrano (Matanzas, 1988), graduated with a gold degree in music from the Universidad de las Artes de Cuba (ISA), specializing in piano.
Yasmani Castro Caballero (Santiago de Cuba, 1992) es Licenciado en Educación y estudiante de cuarto año de comunicación audiovisual en el perfil de Dirección en la Filial de la Universidad de las Artes en Holguín.
Yasel Muñoz (Holguín, 1996) is a young flutist, composer, arranger and producer.
Sede Administrativa: Rue du Grand-Pré 6. 1202 Geneva. Switzerland.
Sede Operativa: Calle O e/ 25 y 27 Edificio 266, Apto. 71, 7mo piso; Vedado. Postal Code: 10 400. Havana. Cuba.
Credits – Design: Reinaldo Camejo | Development: René Manuel Puig | Information Architecture: Rocío Baró | Photos: Rick Swig, Claudio Peláez, Helman Bejerano.
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