A patio to house the beautiful
By Giselle Lucía Navarro: The Youth Art Fund continues to create memorable experiences. It was truly a lucid idea to gestate this concert as part of the celebrations of the Month of Europe in Cuba.
By Giselle Lucía Navarro: The Youth Art Fund continues to create memorable experiences. It was truly a lucid idea to gestate this concert as part of the celebrations of the Month of Europe in Cuba.
When we accepted the challenge of creating a musical experience that would fuse sonorities from three cultures: Cuban, Balkan, traditional Croatian and Spanish-medieval, we knew it would be days of hard work.
The Fondo de Arte Joven (FAJ) celebrates the month of Europe in Cuba 2024 with a concert that combines the ancestral sonorities of the hurdy-gurdy and the tambura.
Published in OnCuba News: The non-state sector already accounts for more than 35% of employment in Cuba. Initiatives such as Entrepreneurship Week help boost its economic culture with training, coaching and networking.
Credits – Design: Reinaldo Camejo | Development: René Manuel Puig | Information Architecture: Rocío Baró | Photos: Rick Swig, Claudio Peláez, Helman Bejerano.
Las modalidades de colaboración son flexibles, al igual que las contribuciones. Resulta de nuestro interés establecer convenios de co-financiación con entidades que apoyen operativa y/o financieramente, por ejemplo, convocatorias específicas. Estas acciones puntuales gestionadas por el Fondo de Arte Joven pueden tener premios como:
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