utopias into art

Turning utopias into art

The Youth Art Found (YAF) is a cultural platform that supports emerging art and cultural enterprises, with an emphasis on visual arts and music.

Launched in Cuba in January 2023, YAF has emerged as a strategic management channel to coordinate the cooperation of multiple donors and partners. It is an inclusive space for creation, reflection, and cultural debate, impacting a new generation of artists, entrepreneurs, institutions, and specialists. Additionally, it serves as a collaborative bridge between Global South countries, with experience in international academic residency programs.

Discover the Calls for Proposals available to young artists and cultural enterprises: support for creative processes, opportunities for development, academic mobility, and much more.

Meet the artists and cultural enterprises supported by Youth Art Fund. Discover their work, and how our initiatives nurture emerging talent and promote fresh opportunities for cultural enterprises.


We have an operational office in Havana that will respond to your questions and provide detailed information about our operating principles. If you wish to collaborate individually or through a project, organization, or associated company, please contact us via our email.