Journals of the Haiti - Cuba Academic Residency Program of the Youth Art Fund (Part II)
The second week of the Haiti-Cuba Academic Residency Program of the Fondo de Arte Joven (FAJ) began with a small but emotional meeting with FAJ beneficiaries.
The second week of the Haiti-Cuba Academic Residency Program of the Fondo de Arte Joven (FAJ) began with a small but emotional meeting with FAJ beneficiaries.
Published on: Le Nouveliste. Pianist Darlin Johancy Michel is participating in the Haiti-Cuba academic residency program of the Fondo de Arte Joven de Cuba. Admitted to this program, whose objective is to stimulate regional integration through culture, Darlin is receiving training to strengthen his musical skills. It is a great experience for this musician, who sees in this residency a new stage in his career as an artist.
Published on CubaNoticias360. Thirteen cultural enterprises in Cuba were chosen by the selection committee of the Fondo de Arte Joven (FAJ) as part of the second call issued by this initiative to contribute to the development of cultural projects, with emphasis on visual arts and music.
Summarizing the first week of the Haiti-Cuba Academic Residency Program of the Youth Art Fund (YAF) is not easy, to say the least. The extension and variety of the itinerary, masterfully fuses lectures and theoretical workshops on music and photography, with collateral activities that constitute a journey to the center of the roots.
This week a group of young Haitian creators arrived in Havana to participate in the first Academic Residency Program promoted by the Youth Art Fund (YAF), with an emphasis on music and photography.
On the afternoon of Friday, October 6, the results of the 2nd Contemporary Art Salon were announced at the René Valdés Cedeño Gallery in the city of Santiago de Cuba.
The Youth Art Fund (YAF) was presented this Tuesday in an exchange with artists and students from Santiago de Cuba, during the 2nd René Valdés Cedeño Regional Contemporary Art Salon in that city.
Sede Administrativa: Rue du Grand-Pré 6. 1202 Geneva. SUIZA.
Sede Operativa: Calle O e/ 25 y 27 Edificio 266, Apto. 71, 7mo piso; Vedado. Código Postal: 10 400. La Habana. CUBA.
Credits – Design: Reinaldo Camejo | Development: René Manuel Puig | Arquitectura de la Información: Rocío Baró | Fotos: Claudio Peláez, Daniel Mendoza, Helman Bejerano, Rick Swig.
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