Month: September 2023

Preguntas frecuentes de la convocatoria de Emprendimientos Culturales

Call for cultural ventures: frequently asked questions

On September 19, a round of questions took place between the team of the International Committee for the Development of Peoples CISP, A Ritmo de Inclusión, the Fondo de Arte Joven (FAJ) and several leaders of creative projects aspiring to the call for entrepreneurship, recently launched by the Fund.

Havana, a palpable soul. To be space. To be a crisscrossed frontier

Published in: Cubarte Newspaper by Noel Bonilla-Chongo. It would seem that for Havana-born Sandra García Herrera, curator of the photographic exhibition "Havana, a palpable soul", the inside and the outside are the basis for her logical approach to the geometry that evidences the distance/proximity/closeness between the things of this city.

Equipo del Fondo de Arte Joven junto a artistas de la muestra.

Youth Art Fund (YAF) inaugurates new exhibition at the Salón Blanco

On the afternoon of Tuesday, September 14, the Fondo de Arte Joven (FAJ) inaugurated the photographic exhibition Havana, a palpable soul, which brings together the work of several young Cuban photographers who illustrate multiple interpretations of the city through their lenses.

Habana, un alma palpable

Enjoying "Havana, a palpable soul".

Published in: Habana Radio Station. Habana is the name of a nursing baby lying next to her mother while the city looms in the distance through a window. The scene captured in a black-and-white photograph opens the way for the group exhibition "Havana, a palpable soul", by the Fondo de Arte Joven.


Call for entries closes for malaYerba. youth art contest

The Youth Art Fund (YAF) and the Los Carbonell Foundation (FLC) / NG Art Gallery, called for the first edition of malaYerba. youth art contest, with the aim of supporting the creative processes of Cuban visual artists.

Las modalidades de colaboración son flexibles, al igual que las contribuciones. Resulta de nuestro interés establecer convenios de co-financiación con entidades que apoyen operativa y/o financieramente, por ejemplo, convocatorias específicas. Estas acciones puntuales gestionadas por el Fondo de Arte Joven pueden tener premios como:

  • exhibiciones en sus respectivos centros de arte dentro y fuera de Cuba
  • donaciones de instrumentos musicales y materiales de trabajo para artistas
  • residencias de arte nacionales e internacionales
  • publicaciones
  • experiencias académicas
  • promoción
  • apoyo a los procesos creativos

A través de nuestro correo reciba información más detallada sobre nuestros estatutos y principios de funcionamiento técnico y jurídico.